Differences between Leopard and Cheetah
Distinguishing between cheetahs and leopards has continued to be a challenge to many people but with knowledge about their physical characteristics and behaviors, you can become an expert at telling the difference when spotted.

1. Coat Patterns
Leopards have rosettes or ring-shaped spots with a dark brown or black outline surrounding a lighter golden or yellowish center. These rosettes are larger and more irregular in shape compared to the spots of cheetahs. On the other hand, Cheetahs have a distinct coat pattern with solid black spots scattered across a tawny or golden background. These spots are evenly distributed and relatively small.

2. Size and Body Shape
Leopards are more robustly built with a stocky body and shorter legs compared to cheetahs. They possess larger muscles around their shoulders and neck, facilitating the ability to haul their prey up into trees with ease. Cheetahs have a slender and streamlined bodies, designed for speed. They have a lightweight frame and long, slender legs, which help them achieve the maximum speed hence making them the fastest animal.

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3. Facial/ Tear Mark
The most common factor that distinguishes these two animals is a “tear mark” on the Cheetah running from the eyes to the mouth.
Leopards have a broader skull and larger head compared to cheetahs. They have a more prominent muzzle and their eyes are set lower on the face. Leopards lack the tear marks found in cheetahs while Cheetahs have a small, rounded head with high-set eyes and distinctive "tear marks" running from the inner corner of each eye down to the sides of the mouth. These tear marks help reduce glare from the sun while hunting.

4. Tail
Leopards have rounded tails in shape, crucial for maintaining balance during tree climbing activities while Cheetahs possess flatter tails, representing another distinctive physical trait for steering and staying balanced while running at high speed.

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5. Hunting Techniques
Leopards are ambush predators, relying on stealth and strength to take down their prey and then drag their kills up into trees to keep them safe from scavengers. They mostly hunt at night.
Cheetahs are built for speed and are the fastest land animals. They rely on high-speed chases to catch their prey, with bursts of speed up to 60-70 miles. They like hunting during the day.

6. Habitat
Leopards are highly adaptable and can be found in a variety of habitats including forests, grasslands, mountains, and even urban areas. They have a wide geographic range across Africa and parts of Asia while Cheetahs are typically found in open grasslands and savannas, where their speed can be fully utilized during hunts. They avoid dense forests and prefer areas with good visibility to spot prey from afar while

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7. Behavior
Leopards are more opportunistic hunters and are known for their ability to adapt to various environments. They are primarily nocturnal, hunting under the cover of darkness. They are ambush predators and often stalk their prey before pouncing with great stealth and power while Cheetahs are diurnal hunters, meaning they primarily hunt during the day. They rely on their incredible speed and agility to chase down prey such as gazelles and impalas.

Prepared by Extra Miles Unique Adventures.